California has one of the strictest DUI laws in place. If you are charged and convicted of driving while under the influence, you can expect to have all sorts of penalties rained down on you. Some of the penalties for first time offenders include fines and penalty assessments around $2,000, a four month license revocation, mandatory DUI school and possible jail sentence. Your lawyer, however, may be able to get some of the sentence reduced in exchange for community service.

Keep in mind that the consequences of a DUI extend beyond the punishment administered by the law. You can expect the arrest to go on your driving record. This means a skyrocket in insurance rates. Furthermore, your employer may not be willing to let you take the time off for your court hearings, jail time or community service.

Due to the serious implications of a DUI, it is important to contact a Los Angeles DUI lawyer. Your lawyer will examine every shred of evidence for anything that may be able to get your case dismissed. This may include eyewitness testimony or misconduct on the part of the arresting officer. With police dash cams, most arrests are recorded, and your lawyer can review the footage for any missteps or procedures that were not followed to protocol.

In some cases, the prosecutor’s case against you may simply be too strong, and your lawyer may advise you to plead guilty. Should you be convicted, your lawyer will continue to help you in other ways, such as getting your sentence reduced or help you get approved for a temporary driver’s license.