If you’re pulled over by a police officer on suspicion of a DUI, then chances are that you will be asked to perform a field sobriety test. These are a variety of ways that the officer can use to judge whether or not you’re actually intoxicated… And chances are, you won’t be able to fool them. Most officers are very good at recognizing when someone is intoxicated, and the tests themselves are mostly just a confirmation for the records.

The most popular test, and one that Hollywood DUI Lawyers can help you with the most, is the breathalyzer test. There are many circumstances in which a breathalyzer can give a false reading or otherwise cause trouble with its trustworthiness, and you can use this to your advantage if it actually happens.

You may also be asked to submit to a blood test, which is a full medical procedure. This test can have many problems with reliability, as well.

Urine tests are one of the least common, but your Hollywood attorney has reasons to be interested in that, too, because some chemicals can stay within your body (but not impair you) for a surprisingly long period of time. If this sort of test is being used to charge you with Driving under the Influence, then Hollywood DUI attorneys may be able to discredit them and help reduce or eliminate the charges against you.

For maximum benefit, try to remember as much about the administration of the tests as you can.