You never want to find yourself in the position of needing to hire a Beverly Hills criminal lawyer. That being said, there may come a time in the future where this is reality. Rather than run and hide, hoping for the best, you need to get the right legal team on your side as soon as possible. There is nothing worse than waiting and waiting, hoping that something changes. This is not how the law works. When you are accused of a crime, waiting around to hire an attorney is not going to do you any good. In fact, this may make things worse.

With all this in mind, you should realize that hiring the best Beverly Hills criminal lawyer is very important. After all, the attorney on your case could make or break the final outcome.

Here are three questions you should ask before hiring:

  1. How much experience do you have with cases similar to mine? You want to know that your Beverly Hills criminal attorney has worked with clients like yourself in the past. More experience can mean less obstacles along the way which could mean a better chance of winning your case.
  2. Do you have the time necessary to devote to my case? The last thing you want to do is hire a Beverly Hills criminal lawyer that is unable to give you the time you deserve. There is no denying that your case is going to take a lot of work. For this reason, you need a lawyer, along with a support staff, that has the time and willingness to do whatever it takes to help your cause.
  3. How much do you charge? This is a question that does not always have a simple answer. However, it is one that you have to ask before hiring an attorney – regardless of the crime you have committed or the charges you are facing. You need to know how much you are going to pay out of your own pocket to receive representation from a professional. Even if you don’t get an exact answer, you need to ask this question so you can get a better idea.

If you find yourself in need of the services of a Beverly Hills criminal lawyer, asking the five questions above is a great place to start. From here, you will have an open dialogue with a lawyer that is likely to lead to other questions and conversations.

Final tip: the sooner you contact an attorney the better off you are going to be. It is essential that you find the right legal counsel as early in the process as possible, giving your team plenty of time to work on your case to devise a plan for a successful resolution.

Even though you may not have any experience hiring a Beverly Hills criminal lawyer, the best thing you can do is ask the questions above. The answers you receive will help you better understand what you are up against and how you should move forward. Hopefully the answers will lead you to a qualified attorney.