Beverly Hills attorney Jonathan Franklin and the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin wants those who are facing their second DUI offense to have the facts. It is no secret that being convicted on a second, third, or fourth DUI can result in severe penalties. One of the leading firms of West Hollywood DUI lawyers, the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin wants you to understand these penalties.

In California, a person convicted of a second DUI that occurs within 10 years of their first DUI conviction can face fines that range between $390 and $1,000. They will get jail time of 96 hours minimum or up to 1 year maximum. They may get a 2 year license suspension of their driver’s license as well as 18 months of mandatory DUI school. Both second and third offenses can also result in probation for 3 to 5 years. A third offense can also trigger longer suspensions and minimum jail times as well.

For a fourth DUI that occurs within 10 years, they are facing felony charges. This can result in permanent loss of license and the person may have to spend a mandatory 3 years in prison.

As you can see, working with a Knowledgeable West Hollywood DUI defense lawyer when faced with these charges is in your best interest. The Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin and their attorneys have the courtroom experience and negotiation skills to ensure the best outcome for you, and will give each case their utmost attention and a vigorous defense of your rights.