If you’ve been charged with a DUI, you’ve probably received a breathalyzer test. These results can be the backbone of a case against you. If a breathalyzer test is administrated incorrectly, you may have your charges thrown out. That’s why it’s so important to hire a Hollywood DUI defense lawyer like Jonathan Franklin that can review the evidence and see if anything falls through the cracks.

Breathalyzers need to be maintained to ensure they function properly. If it isn’t, the results might not be accurate enough for a case against you to hold up. Breathalyzer test results may be deemed inadmissible in court of the breathalyzer wasn’t calibrated properly or if the test wasn’t administered according to proper procedure. The mouthpiece of the breathalyzer needs to be changed between each use, and a police officer must wait 20 minutes before administering the breathalyzer test. You must be told how to properly do the test, which is to take a deep breath and blow hard into the breathalyzer. If any of these things don’t check out, your case may be thrown out.

It’s important to hire an experienced lawyer who is going to review the case and evidence, and ensure everything was done by the books. The officer may not have had probable cause to arrest you, or may have violated your rights, in which case it doesn’t matter if you tested positive for drunk driving, because the evidence cannot hold up in court. If you think you may have an inaccurate test or that proper procedure wasn’t followed during your DUI arrest, you should contact DUI defense lawyer Jonathan Franklin for a free consultation.