A Hollywood DUI defense lawyer can often recognize when procedures weren’t followed during the administration of a field sobriety test. This is actually very important, because performing the test incorrectly can easily lead to false positives. When you’re talking to a Hollywood DUI lawyer, you should try to explain as many details as you can about how the test was administered. For example, were the instructions given the correct and proper ones? If not, that could give the DUI defense attorneys Hollywood the opportunity to challenge the validity of the charges.

This is especially true for tests besides the breathalyzer, though your DUI defense lawyers Hollywood can certainly check to see if the machine used has a history of false positives. In the case of blood tests, however, even a detail as small as whether the test took our blood plasma or whole blood can have a major impact on the readings, not to mention provide your DUI Attorney Hollywood with important information to put before the court. Something similar happens for urine tests, where you might be charged with a DUI if small amounts of drugs (of many kinds) are registered as present. The DUI Attorneys Hollywood can use this to their (and your) advantage.

Most courts take a DUI charge seriously, but if the reading can be proven to be a false positive, then you are increasing your chances of getting your case dismissed.