I was listening to the radio and heard that Weston Cage (son of Nicholas Cage) was arrested once more on charges of domestic violence.  When he was arrested police apparently discovered that he had also been cutting himself.  Domestic violence is such a tragedy all around.  Not only does the spouse or partner suffer from the physical and emotional abuse, but it leaves a permanent mark upon the children who must watch or listen.  I have endless sympathy for anyone who has been hurt by someone that is supposed to love and care for them.  It is unnatural and I feel very blessed to have never been involved in any domestic violence or domestic abuse issues in my family.  When I read about people like Weston Cage I imagine for a moment not being an LA defense attorney, and I think “throw the book at him.”

I am, however, a Hollywood defense attorney, and as such I’ve seen more of these cases than you realize, spoken to families going through this tragedy, and I have a broader understanding of the issue.  As you dig deeper into these cases you realize that the perpetrators are often victims of violence themselves, and/or come from dysfunctional families.  As gross as their crimes may be, they are also victims.  Weston Cage has his own demons.  In my mind there is absolutely no doubt about that.

The day after the violent incident is a chaotic day for everyone.  The abuser is filled with remorse and regret.  The victim is hurt and drowning in depths of sadness.  There may be charges to deal with, public scrutiny…it is a difficult time for everyone involved.

In the State of California, the penalties for domestic violence are incredibly severe.  If you have been charged you are looking at jail time.  How you conduct yourself in the wake of domestic violence will determine if you go to jail, if you receive treatment, and your permanent record.  As a Hollywood defense attorney I work with families every day to provide relief for their immediate situation and point them to avenues of healing.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a domestic violence dispute, call me or come by my office.  You will find a sympathetic ear and shoulder to lean on.