California Vehicle Code 23152 outlines the tough penalties associated with driving under the influence convictions. The criminal penalties include probation, jail time and fines. However, there are hidden non-criminal penalties you may not realize until after you face the possibility of being convicted of a DUI.

The following penalties are called “non-criminal” because they are not a part of a criminal sentenced outlined in VC 23152. Instead, they are penalties that are the result of a DUI conviction. What you are about to read is a tiny sample of how a DUI conviction can drastically change your life:

Unattainable Employment Opportunities

Is there a job you have always wanted? Do you love your current job—or at least need it to pay bills? Well, a DUI conviction can impact your employment by causing you to miss work or not qualify for a job because of your criminal record. In fact, depending on the circumstances, you could be fired immediately from your job.

Ruined Chance of Starting or Continuing College

Are you planning to go to college? Maybe you are already attending college. A DUI conviction can damage your chances at earning your degree. For instance, some colleges may not accept you with a criminal record. If you are a student athlete, you may lose your scholarship and chance to graduate.

Attend a Program

You will have to attend school—DUI school.

Suspended Driver’s License

Unfortunately, you do not have to be convicted to have your driver’s license suspended. After a DUI arrest, California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), may suspend your driving privileges after a detailed investigation.

Harmed Reputation

A lot of people do not care what others think about them—you may be in this category. Regardless of how you view your reputation, it will definitely suffer. You will have to repeatedly tell employers and possibly friends and neighbors why you have a DUI on your criminal record. Many people may not trust you with their cars or driving their children to school.

Inflated Car Premiums

Maybe the word “inflated” is misleading. The truth is that your car insurance premiums will increase because of your DUI conviction. As a result, you may spend thousands of dollars more each year than you normally would for car insurance.

Additional Worry

DUI penalties increase each time you are convicted of a DUI. In other words, subsequent DUI convictions have enhanced penalties if occurring within a 10 year period from a DUI conviction.

At the Law Offices of Jonathan Franklin, you have a dedicated attorney who knows the criminal justice system. Jonathan and his team are committed to providing you with a top-notch defense. Instead of worrying about the non-criminal and criminal penalties associated with a DUI conviction, discuss your options with a skilled Beverly Hills DUI attorney. Contact Jonathan Franklin today to schedule your free consultation to review your DUI charge and its possible defenses.